Aiming at the wider dissemination of knowledge about ancient Cyprus, the Museum of Cycladic Art is starting a new series of public talks titled “Cyprus Seminar: Recent developments in the archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean” (coordination: Nikolas Papadimitriou – Maria Tolis). The seminar will take place on the first Monday of each month in the lecture room of the museum (5th floor, 4 Neophytou Douka Street), and will include presentations of recent excavation projects and new synthetic approaches. In the first cycle of lectures, the MCA has invited archaeologists from the Department of Antiquities and the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus.
The lectures will be in Greek, will start at 19.00, and will be 45’ long.
The presentation will be followed by a brief response by an expert on the subject, and general discussion.
The first lecture of the series will be on Monday 13 January 2014: Professor Vasiliki Kassianidou (University of Cyprus – Archaeological Research Unit) will present the topic “The production and trade of Cypriot copper in the Bronze Age – new evidence”. Discussant will be Professor James Muhly.