On March 14, 2014, at 7.00 p.m. James C. Wright (Director of the ASCSA and Professor of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College) will present the work of the School during 2013. Also Merle Langdon (Research Professor, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; former Mellon Professor, ASCSA) will give a lecture about “Rupestral Inscriptions in the Greek World.”

As Professor Langdon will elaborate “ancient inscriptions cut on bedrock comprise a very small percentage of the totality of inscribed documents but are important because of being in situ, that is, they are in the exact place where they were originally inscribed. So, rock-cut epitaphs and dedications allow us to identify the inhabitants of associated tombs and understand spatial arrangements in sanctuaries. Rock-cut boundary marker identify the course of boundaries. Rock-cut coastal graffiti help inform us about shipping routes. Similar inscriptions on moveable stones, which are rarely in situ, do not allow such precision. So, it is always worthwhile to search bedrock for ancient writing.”

Venue: ASCSA, Cotsen Hall, 9 Anapiron Polemou, 106 76 Athens