The Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Exeter is offering a doctoral studentship, generously funded by the A.G. Leventis Foundation. This award is open to UK/EU and International students and will provide a significant contribution towards tuition fees and maintenance for three years, starting in September 2015.

The successful candidate may also be asked to contribute up to 150 hours per annum to departmental teaching (although since this figure includes preparation and marking time, the actual number of hours of teaching will be substantially lower). The total value of the award and teaching remuneration will be c. £20,000 per annum. This studentship is available to fund research on any aspect of Greek or Roman antiquity. Full information is available here: 

To be considered for this doctoral award, candidates must complete an online web form where they must submit some personal details and upload a full CV, research proposal, transcripts, details of two referees and, if relevant, proof of their English language proficiency, by 15 March 2015.

Applications of candidates who have already applied for one of the 2015 entry College of Humanities Graduate School Doctoral Studentships for study in Classics and Ancient History will be automatically considered for this studentship and they do not need to make another application.

Applicants should ensure that the referees email their references in the form of a letter to the Postgraduate Administrator at [email protected] by 15 March 2015. The responsibility for ensuring that references are received by the deadline rests with the applicants. Referees must email their references from their institutional email accounts. References from personal/private email accounts, unless it is a scanned document on institutional headed paper and signed by the referee, cannot be accepted.