“Digital Meets Culture” is intended as a portal for gathering information about the digital culture in the world, taking into account the different approaches that science, cultural heritage and arts have to the digital age. This portal aims to act as a reference point and as a valuable mean of information and communication for different users in a global dimension. It is conceived as a meeting place between technologies and arts & humanities.
As it is enlarging its international network of collaborators, the portal calls for contributions, i.e. interesting news concerning new technologies applied to creativity and culture.
Each contribution “will be appreciated by an international audience of sector experts: academic teachers and researchers, artists, museum curators, entrepreneurs, organisers of cultural events, bloggers and reporters.”
Dedicated to the encounter between digital technologies and cultural heritage and the arts the online magazine Digital Meets Culture receives over 18,000 monthly visits by specialised readers from all over the world. Its aim is “to provide, on a truly global scale, the widest possible information about international projects and initiatives involving the digitisation, preservation and enjoyment of cultural heritage and about the latest findings in digital art and in the creative industries”.