The University of Exeter / Department of Classics and Ancient History offers a full-time lecturer position in Classics and Ancient History.

The College wishes to recruit a Lecturer (Education and Scholarship) to work with academics in support of the delivery of Classics and Ancient History programmes, particularly in the areas of Greek language and literature. This full time post is available from 1st September 2015 to 31st August 2016.

The post of Lecturer will include supporting the student learning experience using a range of approaches and modes of delivery appropriate to the teaching allocated, which is likely to include Greek language and literature modules such as Fast Track Greek, Greek III and Greek and Roman Drama.

The successful applicant will hold a PhD or equivalent in Classics and have an independent, internationally-recognised research programme in an active field of Classics related or complementary to existing Exeter strengths. He/she will have evidence of excellent teaching identified by peer review and have made an impact at discipline programme level beyond their own teaching. He/she will be able to demonstrate the following qualities and characteristics: a strong record in attracting research funding, or demonstrable potential to attract such funding, teamwork skills to work in collaboration with existing group members, an active and supportive approach to inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research that will help to foster interactions and links both within the University and externally, the attitude and ability to engage in continuous professional development, the aptitude to develop familiarity with a variety of strategies to promote and assess learning and enthusiasm for delivering undergraduate programmes.

For further information please contact Rebecca Langlands, Director of Education, Classics and Ancient History, telephone (01392) 724393 or email [email protected].

Interviews are expected to take place in early August.