Archaeologists working at the South Assassif Conservation Project on Luxor’s west bank found that a tomb, belonging to a Thebes’ ruler and priest, had been reused by an upper Egypt vizier.

In particular, within the tomb of Karabasken, fourth priest of Amun during the 25th dynasty and Mayor of Thebes, researchers found the tomb of Padibastet, according to Mahmoud Afifi, head of the Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Department.

Four beautifully carved images of Padibastet and a collection of his texts at the entrance area and the court of the tomb of Karabasken allow to assume that he was buried in this tomb.  “Such a find highlights that Badi-Bastet reused the tomb,” said Mahmoud Afifi.

According to further investigation on Padibastet’s different titles by Dr Erhart Graefe, a member of the research team, this previously unknown High Stewart turned out to be one of the grandsons of Pabasa, a nobleman whose tomb is located east of Assassif.

Elena Pischikova, head of the mission, said that according to the newly discovered evidence Padibastet could be buried in a shaft inside the court or in a main burial chamber of Karabasken tomb.

Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh Eldamaty described the discovery as very important, since it has shed more light on the architecture and design of tombs of top governmental officials during the Saite period, especially the 26th dynasty.

The South Assassif Conservation Project started in 2006 when the two Kushite tombs of Karabasken (TT 391) and Karakahamun (TT 223) and the early Saite tomb of Irtieru (TT 390) were re-discovered at the site.  The tombs, that had never been properly cleaned, studied and restored, will be preserved as part of the project.