The 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts “Preservation or just an obsession” will be held on 8-9 July, 2016, in the Halki Theological School (Turkey).
The two days meeting is organised by the Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands-Specialisation Conservation of Cultural Heritage (Greece) in collaboration with Ecumenical Patriarchate-Halki Theological School (Turkey).
The main scope of this meeting is to promote and discuss recent developments in the dialogue between the preservation and documentation of the Eastern and Western ecclesiastical art covering various areas from the construction and documentation over the identification of the materials, the preventive and interventive conservation methods, new methods and ideas for the preservation of one item or an internal collection.
The main topics, but not exclusive, for this meeting are:
-Theological and philosophical reception of ecclesiastical artefacts “Eastern” and “Western” perspectives,
– Dating of artefacts,
– Preventive or interventive conservation of organic and inorganic ecclesiastical collections,
– Ethical issues & alterations
– Education,
– Case studies,
-Archaeology and history,
– Previous treatments,
– Physicochemical analysis,
– Methodology in conservation and documentation,
– Ecclesiastical items and modern art,
– Museology and ecclesiastical museums – new developments.
The 2nd IMCDEA meeting will be held at the main hall of the Halki Theological School, in Turkey.
Deadline for paper/posters proposals: 8th December, 2015
Paper/posters proposals should be submitted electronically to [email protected]
ABSTRACT MUST BE SUBMITTED AS WORD DOC format according to this template.Abstract template-IMCDEA2016.doc (26112)
A paper/poster proposal should contain:
1. full name, institution, affiliation, address, e-mail address
2. title
3. abstract (maximum 300 words)
All presented papers/posters will be published in the thematic issue of the ODYSSEUS Scientific Journal in October 2016. Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be published in the Book of Abstracts that will be distributed to all participants during registration.
Poster presentations
Posters will be mounted on the day of the poster session. Poster panels are suitable for A0 size (90cm in width and 120cm in height).
For further information please visit: