The School Teacher Fellowship at the British School at Athens is offered each year to enable a teacher to pursue a project in Greece designed to enhance their teaching (for example by researching a course, preparing teaching materials, visiting sites or using the Library). The Fellowship is non-stipendiary, and includes one week of accommodation at the BSA Athens or Knossos base and an airfare up to £300, and may be taken at any stage of the academic year by agreement with the School Director.

The School Teacher Fellow will be required to submit a report on his/her research to the School’s Courses & Teaching Subcommittee, and to the Gilbert Murray Trust Classics Committee.

Applicants should submit the following by e-mail to the School Administrator, Mrs Tania Gerousi ([email protected]):

-a Curriculum Vitae

-a short proposal (1,000 words maximum)

-a reference letter from the applicant’s Head Teacher or  Head of Department, as appropriate.

The deadline for applications is Friday 29 January 2016.

For more information visit: