Summer School in Digital Humanities is to take place in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The Centre for Excellence in the Humanities to the University of Sofia, Bulgaria, organizes jointly with an international team of lecturers and researchers in the field of Digital Humanities a Summer School in Digital Humanities. The Summer School will take place between 05-10 September 2016 and is targeted at historians, archaeologists, classical scholars, philologists, museum and conservation workers, linguists, researchers in translation and reception studies, specialists in cultural heritage and cultural management, textual critics and other humanitarians with little to moderate skills in IT who would like to enhance their competences.
The Summer School will provide four introductory modules on the following topics:
Text encoding and interchange by Gabriel Bodard, University of London, and Simona Stoyanova, King’s College, London: TEI, EpiDoc XML (, marking up of epigraphic monuments, authority lists, linked open data for toponymy and prosopography: SNAP:DRGN (, Pelagios (, Pleiades (
Text and image annotation and alignment by Simona Stoyanova, King’s College, and Polina Yordanova, University of Sofia: SoSOL Perseids tools (, Arethusa grammatical annotation and treebanking of texts, Alpheios text and translation alignment, text/image alignment tools.
Geographical Information Systems and Neogeography by Maria Baramova, University of Sofia, and Valeria Vitale, King’s College: Historical GIS, interactive map layers with historical information, using GeoNames ( and geospatial data, Recogito tool for Pelagios.
3D Imaging and Modelling for Cultural Heritage by Valeria Vitale, King’s College: photogrammetry, digital modelling of indoor and outdoor objects of cultural heritage, Meshmixer (, Sketchup ( and others.
The school is open for applications by MA and PhD students and post-doc and early researchers from all humanitarian disciplines, as well as employees in the field of cultural heritage. The applicants should send a CV and a Motivation statement clarifying their specific needs and expressing interest in one or more of the modules no later than 15.05.2016. The places are limited and you will be notified about your acceptance within 10 working days after the application deadline. Τransfer from Sofia to Hissar and back, accommodation and meal expenses during the Summer School are covered by the organizers. Five scholarships of 250 euro will be accorded by the organizing committee to the participants whose work and motivation are deemed the most relevant and important.
The participation fee is 40 еurо. It covers coffee breaks, social programme and materials for the participants.
Please submit your applications to [email protected].
Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Birov (Department of Informatics,University of Sofia)
Dr. Maria Baramova (Department of Balkan History,University of Sofia)
Dr. Dimitar Iliev (Department of Classics,University of Sofia)
Mirela Hadjieva (Centre for Excellence in the Humanities, University of Sofia)
Dobromir Dobrev (Centre for Excellence in the Humanities, University of Sofia)
Kristina Ferdinandova (Centre for Excellence in the Humanities, University of Sofia