The 7th Symposium on Archaeometry of the HSA will take place in the Byzantine and Christian Museum on 9-12 October 2019 in Athens.

Its topics are: Dating and Paleoenvironment, Geophysical Prospection, Ceramics and Vitreous materials, Archaeometallurgy Stones, Plasters and Pigments, Biomaterials and Bioarcaheology Archaeoseismology.


Τhe Symposium

Following its preliminary declaration, the Board of the Hellenic Society of
Archaeometry (HSA) announces the organization of the 7th Symposium on
Archaeometry which will be held at the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens, from Wednesday the 9th until Saturday the 12th of October 2019.

The Symposium responds to the long-standing and steadily increasing interest of archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, palaeoenvironmental scientists and other specialists of similar directions to collaborate with specialized researchers from the fields of science on issues related to cultural heritage.

It is commonly accepted that the fullest investigation of the existing as well as the emerging questions regarding the material remains from Greece and the wider region can be achieved through the substantial synergy between researchers of various scientific backgrounds and expertise. The forthcoming Symposium is a continuation of the six (6) previous relevant events that were held successfully by the HSA in the past, and is expected to stand as breeding ground for scientific enquiry, dissemination of new knowledge, dialogue between specialists coming from various disciplines, and for training.

Τitle and Thematic Units

The 1st Symposium of the HSA (26-28 / 01/1990) had the emblematic title “Linking Archaeology and Archaeometry”. Just before the completion of thirty (30) years after this meeting, the first of its kind to have been organized in Greece between representatives from the fields of Archaeology and Natural Sciences, the 7th Symposium on Archaeometry of the HSA entitled “Archaeology – Archaeometry: 30 Years Later” is offered for the appraisal of the long-term interdisciplinary research collaborations focusing on the cultural heritage of Greece and the wider region. This
evaluation concerns the results of long-term research projects, relevant revisions, evaluation of methodologies, practices and experiences, the elucidation of longstanding problems and the pursuit for future perspectives, trends or even the establishment of new collaborations in the field. The thematic units of the 7th Symposium surround the following issues: a) dating and palaeo-environment, b) geophysical prospection, c) ceramic and vitreous materials, d) ancient and prehistoric metallurgy, e) lithics, with an emphasis on marbles, plasters and pigments, and g) biomaterials – bioarchaeology. In addition, it is desirable to include
a special thematic session on archaeoseismology, geoarchaeology and on issues of precision in absolute dating. Although the Symposium focuses on the presentation of original archaeometric papers related to investigations conducted in the Greek region, it is also expected to have a strong international character with announcements referring to the broader eastern Mediterranean area, including Cyprus.


The official languages for the presentation of the papers are Greek and English. There will be no provision for simultaneous translation during the announcements. However, colleagues intending to present their work in Greek are kindly requested to provide for a bilingual presentation material (tables, captions, explanations) in order to accommodate non-Greek speakers.

Important dates and registration

Monday, July 1st, 2019: Abstract submission deadline (see attached template)
Wednesday, July 31st, 2019: Notification to participants upon acceptance of
Until, Friday, August 30th, 2019: Early registration: 80 € – Students: 50€. After the 30th of August: Late registration: 100 € and 80 € respectively.
Wednesday, October 9th, 2019: Symposium commencing.
Friday, October 11th, 2019: Symposium’s Dinner, Award ceremony, Honorary distinctions.

Payment Methods

a) Bank Transfer: payment should be sent to Account Holder: Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, Piraeus Bank, IBAN: GR36 0171 8560 0068 5614 5565 719, SWIFT-BIC: PIRBGRAA. Registrants are responsible for any bank fees for these transactions. A justification for the payment is REQUIRED. Please mention on the bank transfer, in capital letters, your first and last name and “Symposium HSA”.
b) In person during registration at the Symposium.

Support of Early Career scientists and graduate students:

The Organizing Committee intends to support and promote the research of Early Career scientists as well as the work of graduate students with discounts or exemptions from the registration fee, prizes, a possible special session etc.

Abstract and Registration Forms submission

Fill in and send within the deadline to [email protected] the
Registration Form as well as the Abstract Template (please see attached files). More information concerning the Symposium (Scientific Committee, preliminary program, travel directions, accommodation, what is included in the registration fee, Symposium’s dinner cost, possible parallel activities etc.) will be announced in the forthcoming 2nd circular.

HSA and its previously organized symposia:

The Hellenic Society for Archaeometry (HSA) is a non-profit scientific association founded in 1982. It aims at promoting the application of Science and Technology to the fields of Archaeology, History of Art, and to the overall aspects of Cultural Heritage. Its members comprise the overwhelming majority of scholars engaged in such activities in Universities, in the Archaeological Service, in Greek Research Centers
as well as in the private sector. Since its founding in 1982, HSA activities include the organisation of six (6) Symposia on Archaeometry in Greece as well as numerous seminars and public lectures. Furthermore, in 2009, the HSA acted as one of the founding bodies of the peer reviewed journal “Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences” (IF 2.41).

HSA members, who have fulfilled their membership’s financial requirements, as well as future subscribers can obtain free of charge in digitized format (pdf) the published papers of the previous five (5) Symposia on Archaeometry, now out of print.
Concerning the release of the Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Archaeometry of the HSA (2016, English version, BAR), instructions will be posted shortly on the HSA’s forthcoming new webpage.
The HSA invites its members and followers to scientific engagement and participation in the Symposium with original papers. Our intention is to realize another important Symposium on Archaeometry worthy of its brilliant tradition fully documented in the Proceedings of its previous respective events.

The Organising Committee: Y. Bassiakos, Y. Facorellis, E. Filippaki, A. Oikonomou, M. Papageorgiou, P. Loukopoulou, G. Theodorou

Abstract template_HSA-7th Symp-25-5-19

Registration form- HSA_7th Symp-25-05-19