University of Warwick has launched 100 awards of £5000 per student for Taught Masters students commencing their studies in 2016-17.  The scholarships worth £500,000 will be available to eligible Home/EU students from under-represented groups who wish to start a taught masters course in 2016-17.  The award of £5,000 will be deducted from the applicants tuition fee and presents an opportunity for 2016/17 entrants to obtain funding alongside a postgraduate loan. The competition will be open to all disciplines and all departments for applicants who meet the eligibility criteria. Awards will be made on the basis of merit against the criteria rather than quotas set for departments or faculties.

The deadline for applications will be Thursday 21st July.

The University offers three taught MAs in Ancient Visual and Material Culture which share a common core subject and allow the student to focus on his/her particular interests:

Taught MA in the Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Rome

This involves two months’ study in Rome with a detailed programme of visits and seminars, as well as core and optional modules studied in Warwick.

Taught MA in the Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Greece

Involves 2-3 weeks’ study in Athens or Crete at the British School at Athens with a detailed taught programme of visits, seminars and study of primary material, as well as core and optional modules studied in Warwick.

Taught MA in Ancient Visual and Material Culture

This MA is studied entirely at Warwick and offers a range of options focusing on the art, inscriptions and coins of Greek and Roman Antiquity.

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible applicants must meet all of the criteria set out in Part 1 (see below), and at least one of the criteria set out in Part 2 (see below).

Part 1 -General eligibility criteria

1. Did you start your first undergraduate degree at a UK university in 2012/13 or 2013/14?

2. Are/were your tuition fees between £6,000 and £9,000?

3. Did you graduate from your undergraduate course in 2014/15 or 2015/16?

4. Are you applying for a full-time Masters course, or a part-time Masters course that will be studied over a maximum of 2 years, starting in October 2016?

5. Are you eligible to pay tuition fees at the Home/EU rate?

6. Can you confirm that you do not already hold a Masters (or Integrated Masters) or PhD qualification?

Part 2 – Under-represented groups in Postgraduate Taught study criteria

1. Are/ were you in receipt of maintenance grant support from the UK government for your undergraduate course?

2. Are/ were you in receipt of a special support grant support from the UK government for your undergraduate course?

3. Were you in receipt of Disabled Students Allowance whilst studying, or do you receive Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment?

Full details about the scholarships and a link to the online application form can be found on the following webpage: