Università degli Studi di Milano organizes the 7th Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology
Conference. All scholars working on subjects related to the Old Kingdom are kindly invited to participate in the conference which will be held in Milan on May 8-12, 2017.
Besides usual subjects, a panel on Egyptological archives concerning researches on the Old Kingdom will be included.
Abstracts submission
Interested participants are asked to submit the proposals of subjects and abstracts of papers (around 300 words, in either .doc or .rtf format) to: [email protected]
The abstracts should contain the paper title, the authors’ names and their affiliations.
The conference language will be English.
Deadline for the abstracts submission is September 30, 2016.
All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by anonymous reviewers working on the field before December 15, 2016. Information on accepted proposals will be sent by this date.
Proposals by students who are not PhD candidates will not be accepted.
Presented papers will be limited to 20 minutes.
Organising Institution
Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Studi letterari, filologici e linguistici
Organising Committee
Patrizia Piacentini (Chair of Egyptology, President of the Committee)
Laura Marucchi
Sara Mastropaolo
Christian Orsenigo
Venue of the Conference
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Festa del Perdono, 3
20122 Milano
Registration fee: The registration fee for speakers is 100€ paid until February 28,
It includes:
– Conference materials
– Coffee breaks
– Additional events
– Publication of the proceedings (guidelines for contributors will follow in the next circular)
The registration fee for listeners is 50€ paid until February 28, 2017.
It includes:
– Conference materials
– Coffee breaks
– Selected events
The registration fees do not include accommodation, travel expenses, transfer from/to the airport.
All details concerning the payment will be provided in the second circular.