The following scholarships in Greek Archaeology in the UK for 2018/2019 have been announced by the Greek Archaeologicla Committee UK (GAKUC).

-The Matti Egon Scholarship I

-The Matti Egon Scholarship II, in memory of her mother Stamatia M. Xyla

-The A.G. Leventis Foundation Scholarship, in memory of Dino Leventis

-The Samourkas Foundation of New York Scholarship

-The GACUK Members Scholarship

Applications are invited for either a FIRST scholarship or, for GACUK scholars, a FURTHER scholarship for postgraduate studies in Greek Archaeology in a university in the United Kingdom. The scholarships are intended to cover all, or part of the cost of tuition fees and under certain circumstances, to supplement research expenses. Successful applicants who have no fees obligations may receive part of or a whole scholarship to cover costs relevant to their research and sojourn in the UK. Subject to the conditions of eligibility listed below, being met, a scholarship may be awarded for up to three consecutive academic sessions.

For a FIRST scholarship, eligibility is limited either to citizens of the Hellenic Democracy and of the Republic of Cyprus or to those of Hellenic ethnicity (Greek and Cypriot Greek). Applicants for a FIRST scholarship must hold, from any reputable university, either a first degree with First Class Honours or equivalent (such as “Arista”) or a second, postgraduate degree with Distinction or equivalent. At least one of these degrees should be relevant to Greek Archaeology. In addition, applicants must have either a firm offer of acceptance from a university in the UK to enroll as full-time or part-time postgraduate students in Greek Archaeology, or be already enrolled as such. End of term or semester progress reports on the academic work of recipients of a FIRST scholarship will be required and a scholarship may be suspended if the reports are unsatisfactory.

For a FURTHER scholarship, eligibility is limited to applicants who had already received a scholarship for the previous academic session, whose end of term or semester reports were deemed satisfactory and who are also in receipt of letters of support for continuation of studies from each of their supervisors.

In granting a FIRST or FURTHER scholarship, the GACUK Selection Working Party will take into consideration the financial status of the applicant, as well as any other scholarships, bursaries or financial aid packages to be granted or already granted to the applicant.

The decisions of the GACUK Selection Working Party are final.

Applicants for a FIRST scholarship are invited to complete Application Form A and to submit it electronically to [email protected]
Application Form A must be completed in ENGLISH and must be accompanied with the following:

-Certified copies of degree certificates. (If the language of a degree certificate is not Greek or English, then a certified translation in English will be required).

-References from two academics from the university/universities which awarded the degree/degrees who are familiar with the applicant’s work or from two academics who have supervised any practical experience in archaeology which the applicant may have had.

-Letter of acceptance from the university in the UK where the applicant proposes to undertake postgraduate studies, or letter confirming that the applicant is already enrolled.

-Letter or some other document from the university showing the amount of tuition fees payable.

-Copy of personal or parental tax return for the most recent tax year.

Applicants for a FURTHER scholarship are invited to complete Application Form B and to submit it electronically to [email protected]
Application Form B must be accompanied with the following:

-Letter of support from two supervisors. (If the applicant has had only one supervisor then the second letter of support should be from another tutor who is familiar with the applicant’s work)

-Letter or some other document from the university showing the amount of tuition fees payable.

Note ALL DOCUMENTS accompanying Application Forms A and B should preferably be submitted electronically in PDF. Alternatively hard copy may be sent by post to: The Academic Adviser, Greek Archaeological Committee UK, 16-18, Paddington Street, London, W1U 5AS

Submission of all forms (A or B) is midnight (UK Time) of Sunday 1st July 2018.