Editing Contexts is a one-day interdisciplinary conference on historical editions of literary texts, kindly supported by The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH). It examines how historical contexts – political, intellectual, and religious – shaped the aims and methods of editors from Antiquity to the present. The organizers of the conference hope to bring together graduate students and early career scholars researching editions in all periods of European literature.

The conference will be held on Friday 22nd June from 9:30 to 15:45. The venue will be the TORCH Seminar Room at Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG. The full schedule can be found below.

Registration for the conference is now open. In order to register, please click here.

The deadline for registration is Wednesday 20th June. There is also a small conference fee (£5) to cover the costs and refreshments. We ask that attendees pay the registration fee on the day. 


9:15-9:30: Welcome

9:30-10:00: Gabriel Nocchi Macedo (University of Liège). Ancient Editions of Greek and Latin Poetry: Evidence from Scholars and Scribes

10:00-10:30: Talitha Kearey (University of Cambridge). Burnt manuscripts, Lost Editions, Imperial Censorship: Editorial Authority in the Ancient Virgilian Commentary Tradition

10:30-11:00: Break

11:00-11:30: Cecilia Sideri (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia). An Italian Vernacular Edition of Diodorus Siculus during the Renaissance

11:30-12:00: Olivia Montepaone (Università degli Studi di Milano). M. –A. Muret’s Apocolocyntosis (1585) and its Legacy between Reverence and Oblivion: Samples of Editorial Practice in the Res Publica Litterarum

12:00-13:00: Lunch

13:00-13:30: Olivia Tolley Madin (University of Oxford). The Edition as Encyclopaedia: Jean Frédéric Bernard’s Paratextual ‘Rabelais’ (1741)

13:30-14:00: Davide Massimo (University of Oxford). Beyond the Anthology: Editing Greek Epigrams after Gow and Page

14:00-14:30: Polly Corrigan (King’s College London). Editors and Censors: the Experience of Writers in the Soviet Union during the 1920s and 1930s

14:30-15:00: Break

15:00-15:45: Keynote SpeakerRhiannon Daniels (University of Bristol)

For further information, please visit: https://editingcontexts.wordpress.com/

For questions, please contact the conference organizers at [email protected].