On Saturday July 7th 2018 (10:30- 4:30) in the theatre at the Oakwood Centre (Headley Road, Woodley, Reading RG5 4JZ) Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society will be holding a
fund-raising study day investigating the important and fascinating site of Hierakonpolis.  The director Dr Renee Friedman, the Assistant Director Dr Liam McNamara and Vivian Davies have put together a special programme combining the latest news from the 2017 and 2018 seasons with lectures that explore ancient Nekhen at different periods and also the early recording of the site.

The programme includes: News from the Field. The results of the 2017-2018 season; Exploring the Dynastic Town and Temple at Hierakonpolis. After the lunch break the programme continues with Hierakonpolis is the Early New Kingdom and The Painted Tomb and its conservation.

Lunch (own arrangements) can be obtained from the Oakwood Centre café or there are various shops and cafes nearby. There will be a coffee break between each of the morning
and afternoon sessions.

Admission Fee £30.

All funds raised will be donated to the expedition in support of future seasons.