While clearing earth from a landslide at the mine of Amyntaio, Florina, employees of the Public Power Cooperation (PPC) found most of a 2-metre-long prehistoric tusk.

The find was in quite good condition and by order of Stephanos Palavos, director of the PPC’s Lignite centre of Western Macedonia, the services in charge were notified, as was the Paleontological Museum of Ptolemais which was to collect it.

By order of the deputy mayor of Culture, Dimitris Polychronidis, executives of the Ptolemais Museum went to the Amyntaio Mine and proceeded with the necessary rescue measures and having collected the find transferred it to the Museum where conservation work will be carried out.

The Ptolemais Palaeontological Museum notified the Thessaloniki branch of the Ephorate of Palaeoanthropology and Speleology and a team from the Ephorate will go there for an autopsy and the find’s preservation.