In support of collaborative projects and academic cooperations with Greek CHSInstitutions, the Center of Hellenic Studies has developed a partnership with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Philosophy, School of Philology, Department of Classics. This collaboration focuses on research in the Humanities, specifically Ancient Greek literature and language, through Joint Research Fellowships to young PhD holders and PhD students from AUTH’s Department of Classics. The program enables them to cooperate as Research Fellows with CHS and Aristotle University and continue or return to research in the field of Classics. This program offers up to three Fellowships, every year, to PhD students and PhD holders who received their doctorate degree no more than five years before the announcement of each annual program cycle.

The Fellowship includes:

  • Year-long appointment as CHS-AUTH Fellow in Hellenic Studies.
  • Year-long access to Harvard University’s online databases and resources and to AUTH’s library system.
  • A week-long educational trip to CHS in Washington DC, organized by CHS, to share their findings and collaborate with other Fellows and members of the CHS academic community following the completion of the research project in November.
  • Invitation to pre-publish the outcomes of their research in one of CHS E-Journals.
  • Invitation to attend the annual CHS-International Olympic Academy (“IOA”) Scholars Symposium in Ancient Olympia.
  • Organization of events in order for the Fellows to present their research to students (graduate and undergraduate) of AUTH’s Department of Classics.

Fellowship parameters:

The duration of the fellowship will be 12 months, during which time Fellows will complete a semester-long research project of their own choice. The granting of this fellowship does not imply or establish any employment relationship or project lease between the parties of any kind, and does not require or imply any changes related to Fellows’ current employment status and work program.

Under some circumstances, the selected Fellows are permitted to hold one other fellowship concurrently with their CHS-AUTH appointment. They are expected to inform the CHS-AUTH Selection and Academic Advisory Committee about the other fellowship as soon as possible in order to discuss potential implications with respect to the CHS-AUTH fellowship. Additionally, they may only hold one CHS fellowship appointment at a time (for instance, a CHS-AUTH appointment cannot be held simultaneously with a CHS residential fellowship in Washington). The appointed CHS-AUTH Fellow is responsible for notifying the Committee of any change in status as regards such other fellowships.

The CHS and AUTH offer their services in the expectation that fellows will pursue their scholarly work as described in their application/proposal. Beyond that, they are expected to produce one article/paper for First Drafts@Classics@, to submit one report for the CHS Research Bulletin, and to participate in events organized by the CHS in DC and Greece, and by AUTH.

Academic Advisory Committee

A seven-member Selection and Academic Advisory Committee (consisting of four professors nominated by the CHS and three nominated by AUTH’s Department of Classics) evaluates the applications, selects the Fellows and supports their research by providing them academic assistance and advice in their work. The four committee members of the CHS are: 1. Lucia Athanassaki, University of Crete, 2. Richard Martin, Stanford University, 3. Anastasia-Erasmia Peponi, Stanford University, 4. Ioannis Petropoulos, Democritus University of Thrace. The three committee members of the ΑUTH’s Department of Classics are: 1. Antonios Rengakos, 2. Evina Sistakou, 3. Christos Tsagalis.

2019 Application

The application for these fellowships is now open, and the deadline is February 17, 2019 at midnight (Eastern European Time). The deadline for the recommendation letters is February 20, 2019. Please find information about all required documentation here (PDF).

Apply now


For additional information please contact Mr. Evangelos Katsarelis, CHS GR Programs and Events Manager, through telephone (+30 27520 47033 and +30 27520 47030, Nafplio, Greece) and/or email ekatsarelis(at)