Trinity College Dublin’s Department of Classics is pleased to announce the call for papers for the 10th Annual Punic Network Graduate Workshop, organised in association with Trinity’s centre for Humanities research, the Long Room Hub, and supported by the Oxford Centre for Phoenician and Punic Studies (Octopus).

The Annual Punic Network Graduate Workshop provides students working on Punic and Phoenician topics at Masters and Doctoral level with the chance to showcase their research, and to network with their peers on an international level.

There will be two types of presentations: one of c.20-25 minutes to report on research that is well underway or (nearly) completed, and one of c.5-10 minutes to signal work that is just beginning, or to try out specific ideas.

Please send abstracts of up to 300 words to [email protected] by Friday 6th December 2019 along with a few words about the applicant, including university affiliation, and whether the contribution will be a longer or shorter paper. Decisions will be relayed by 6th January 2020.
Those interested in just attending the workshop should email to register by the same date, as space is limited.

The workshop will be held at Trinity College Dublin on the 22nd of February 2020 (Neill Lecture Theatre, Long Room Hub, 10:00 – 17:00)

Lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day. No assistance can be offered with expenses relating to travel / accommodation, although advice on options close to campus can be offered.