The programme for semester 2 of the University of Liverpool’s Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology Work in Progress seminars has been announced. All seminars take place at 1pm in the Rendall building, seminar room 6, unless otherwise indicated. All are welcome to attend!

30.01.20 César Guerra Méndez (University of Liverpool): Egyptian Artefacts in Malta and the Religious and Funerary Beliefs during the Phoenician-Punic Period

06.02.20  Valentina Barrile (King’s College London): Dancing on the Fence: Tales of Poetry and Prose

13.02.20 Viola Periti (University of Edinburgh): Ut necessariae istae, ita lugubres semper existimatae sunt victoriae: The Description of the Civil Wars in Valerius Maximus and Velleius Paterculus

20.02.20 Jordan Maly-Preuss (University of Oxford): The Referentiality of σχέτλιος in Archaic Greek Epic

27.02.20 Doukissa Kamini (University of Reading): Orestes and Aeschylus’ Oresteia: How to Evolve as a (Tragic) Hero

02.03.20 Katherine Miller (University of Bristol): Late Antiquity or Early Medieval? Investigating Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon Identity and Migration in Southern England.

Venue: Seminar Room 5

12.03.20 Derek McCann (Maynooth University): Oedipal Complexities: Oedipus’ Two Fathers and their Significance for the Oedipus Tyrannus

19.03.20 Sarah Parkhouse (Australian Catholic University): Christian Appropriation and Recontextualization of the Amphitheatre at Carthage

26.03.20 Thomas Alexander Husøy (Swansea University): Corinna’s ‘Daughters of Asopos’ and Identity in Boeotia

23.04.20 Nicholas Freer (University of Iceland): Poetry, Philosophy, and Power in Virgil’s Georgics

30.04.20 Francesca Tomei  (University of Liverpool): Pottery Kilns in their Natural and Human Landscape: the Case Study of the Chora of Metaponto

07.05.20 Naomi Rubinstein (University of Liverpool): How do we Reliably Identify Copies in Fourth Century Britain from AD 330-331?