Kathrin Gabler, Rita Gautschy, Lukas Bohnenkämper,
Hanna Jenni, Clémentine Reymond, Ruth Zillhardt, Andrea Loprieno-Gnirs & Hans-Hubertus Münch (eds.), Text-Bild-Objekte im archäologischen Kontext: Festschrift für Susanne Bickel, Widmaier Verlag (Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 22), Hamburg 2020, xxii+293 pages, 23 colour and 60 b&w illustrations, cloth. ISSN: 0946-8641, ISBN 978-3-943955-22-4
Ancient Egypt has bequeathed us a rich archaeological heritage of texts
and images. Their meaning often becomes apparent only when their spatial
dimension is taken into account. Informed by Susanne Bickel’s epigraphic
and archaeological research, the present volume focuses on the interplay
of textual and visual perspectives in the analysis of Egyptian monuments
and their spatial location. «Text-Bild-Objekte im archäologischen
Kontext» unfolds this research perspective in 17 contributions, that
combine text, image and spatial context, intended to describe both the
contents and the methodology. The thematic spectrum of the contributions
ranges from the Old Kingdom to the 19th century and from Nubia to