The Oxford University Numismatic Society resumes its regular series of talks in a new online format (MS Teams). Speakers will be discussing everything from Anglo-Saxon hoards to the coinages of the Indian Ocean, so please do come along to what promises to be a completely fascinating set of talks.

Please see below (or visit for further details. If you would like to attend, join our mailing list by emailing [email protected] to receive meeting invitation links and further details.

Oxford University Numismatic Society Termcard MT 2020

Tuesday 20th October at 5.00 p.m.: Dr. Volker Heuchert (Ashmolean Museum), “Greek and Roman Provincial Coins of Aphrodisias”.

Tuesday 3rd November at 5.00 p.m.: Dr. John Naylor (Ashmolean Museum), “The Watlington Hoard: Coin Reform Under Alfred the Great in the Late 870s”.

Tuesday 17th November at 5.00 p.m.: Dr. Frédérique Duyrat (Bibliothèque Nationale de France), “Riches in the Ground. How Did Ancient Greeks Hide their Wealth?”.

Tuesday 1st December at 5.00 p.m.: Dr. Shailendra Bhandare (Ashmolean Museum / St. Cross College, Oxford), “Coinage and the Trading Worlds of the Indian Ocean – An Overview”.

Talks will take place over Microsoft Teams and will be followed by discussion. If you are interested in attending any of the above, join our mailing list by emailing [email protected] to receive meeting links and further details.