The Roman Society has issued the following announcement:
Do you have a training programme or a workshop to ‘upskill’ existing archaeologists and archaeology students in an aspect of Roman archaeology?
If so, you could apply for support from the Roman Society Archaeology Committee.
Preference will be shown to skills as identified by CiFA to be essential for the training of archaeologists and heritage specialists that are not taught at university, currently in decline or especially needed in the discipline. The list of skills can be found through CiFA’s Training toolkit: supporting early career development in your organisation
Applications for grants of up to £250 can be applied for by following the guidance on our webpages.
All applications should be emailed to the Society’s Development Officer, Dr Tatiana Ivleva ([email protected]) by the following deadlines each year: 1st February, 1st May, and 1st October
Grants awarded recently include the support of archaeology day-schools, workshops and temporary museum exhibits.
If you have any questions prior to your application please contact Tatiana direct via email.
We look forward to receiving your applications!