The University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) is pleased to announce its international symposium Golden Years (1822-1922-2022). Montreal celebrates 200 years of Egyptology, which will be held at UQAM-Cœur des sciences (Montreal, Canada) on June 17-18-19, 2022.

Golden Years is a hybrid event, which allows for both in-person and Zoom attendance.

It gathers a panel of specialists around two major discoveries in Egyptology: the decipherment of the hieroglyphs by Jean-François Champollion in 1822, and the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun by Howard Carter in 1922.

To celebrate the bicentenary and centenary of these breakthroughs, scholars will present their latest researches on the topic, and the archives connected to these discoveries held in their institutions.

Golden Years is also a polyvalent event, encompassing lectures, poster sessions, a panel discussion, a lecture-tour of archives, a projection of documentary, and educative workshops for children. Lectures will be presented either in English or in French.

The panel discussion will gather Prof. Aidan Dodson, Prof. Marc Gabolde and Prof. Valérie Angenot around the question: “Who was the queen-pharaoh who preceded Tutankhamun on the throne?”, presenting for the first time the arguments pro and con the three options:
Nefertiti, Meritaten and Neferneferuaten(-Tasherit). For the debate, we invite participation from the international audience online.

All information relating to the program, schedule, speakers, lectures, UQAM courses, as well as registration procedures, can be found on the website: <>

Please note that available spots are limited, both for in-person and Zoom attendance. For any further question, please contact [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>