The Herodotus Helpline is delighted to announce the publication of the first volume of its open-access journal Syllogos. Syllogos is dedicated to all aspects of Herodotus’ Histories: to the world of Herodotus’ text; the Mediterranean, Near Eastern, North African and European worlds to which his work relates; and to the global reception of the Histories from antiquity to the present day.
The journal is designed for a mixed audience of students, scholars and general readers. It is committed to reflecting the widest range of approaches, and encourages submissions from scholars and students of any discipline. The first volume includes articles on Herodotus’ representation of political decision-making, on divine foresight, and on ‘silent trade’. Further articles, reviews and ‘critical round-ups’ of scholarship on particular themes, will be published later in the year.
The journal can be accessed at the following webpage. You can also find information there on how to how to submit to Syllogos.
Syllogos is hosted by the Heidelberg University Library as part of its Propylaeum Initiative. It is generously supported by a number of other institutions: the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Columbia University, Sorbonne Université, the Universities of Genova, Leicester and St Andrews, Swarthmore College, and the Association ‘Sauvegarde des enseignements littéraires’. It is typeset by Jenny Messenger of Atomic Typo in Kindersley Street and Kindersley Greek, a new typeface specially designed for Syllogos by the Cardozo Kindersley Workshop.