A new era in the relations of cultural cooperation and development between Greece and Cyprus is  being introduced by the establishment of an independent Deputy Ministry of Culture of Cyprus. A common framework of priorities and actions in the field of culture was determined by the Minister of Culture and Sports of Greece Lina Mendoni and the Deputy Minister of Culture of Cyprus Yiannis Toumazis, at the first working meeting of the two delegations at the Deputy Ministry of Culture in Nicosia.

The two sides confirmed their meeting of minds on working systematically on the basis of an organized framework of cooperation that will allow further cultural rapprochement and strengthening of the cultural relations between Greece and Cyprus, as well as venturing into new fields of cultural interest. The common goal is to promote the Greek character as a self-evident element of the two countries’ identity, but also the mutually beneficial prospects offered by a common cultural strategy.

Among the priorities examined are: partnerships in the fields of modern culture, the connection of cultural heritage and modern creativity, the revival of traditional arts and their connection with the production process, the strengthening of cultural exchanges, the reinforcement of collaborations with institutions and cultural organizations in Greece, a joint targeting at the level of cultural diplomacy and protection of cultural goods, the creation of a network of cultural routes in Cyprus and its participation in cultural routes of the Council of Europe, the transfer of technical know-how at the level of digital mapping of cultural goods, the utilization of European programmes in culture, the strengthening of Cyprus’ position in international cultural organizations.

As the Minister of Culture and Sports of Greece Lina Mendoni stated: “The start of this new era of cultural cooperation between Greece and Cyprus is inaugurated here in Nicosia with the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Greece as the first delegation to visit the newly established Deputy Ministry. We shall be of aid to you in this effort beginning with a first investigation into the fields of cultural cooperation. It will soon take on a more structured form based on a general framework of principles and actions. The geopolitical position of Cyprus allows it to emerge as a hub of culture in the Southeast Mediterranean, a prospect that will give it added value.”

The Deputy Minister of Culture of Cyprus Yannis Toumazis stated: “As a newly established Deputy Ministry of Culture, we have made a dynamic start and we want the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Greece on our side so as to proceed together in synergies that will promote our common cultural identity and history and strengthen the cultural presence of Cyprus in Greece and across the world. Our main objective is, through extroversion and a person-centered approach, to make Cyprus a hub of cultural creation in Southeast Europe, facilitating the continuous flow of ideas, people and cultural goods in the Mediterranean basin”.

The Minister of Culture and Sports Lina Mendoni accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Culture Yiannis Toumazis and the Ambassador of Greece Yiannis Papameletiou, met with  Cyprus’ First Lady Andri Anastasiadou at the Presidential Palace.

Later, accompanied by the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works of Cyprus Yiannis Karousos and the Deputy Minister of Culture Yiannis Toumazis, she visited the Cyprus Museum in Nicosia which houses a rich collection of archaeological exhibits.