Professor Qutb Fawzi, head of the Central Department of Antiquities of Lower Egypt and Sinai and head of the archaeological mission, stated that the gold foil ornaments once covering the human remains, depict the deities Isis, Heqat, Horus (in the form of a falcon) and Bastet, as well as the protective eye of Horus (Udjat). Burials also contained amulets of different shapes and sizes, and of stones: among them are scarabs, djed columns, headrest shaped amulets. Many also depict deities, such as Isis, Nephthys, Thot, and Tawert.
Prof. Fawzi also added that the finds also included miniature models of canopic jars (for preserving the viscera of the deceased during the mummification process), and statues of the four sons of Horus.
Reda Salih, Director of the Damietta Antiquities District, indicated that the mission is up to continue its excavation work at Tell Al-Deir necropolis. For the record, the mission has so far uncovered various types of burials, reflecting the different cultures that flourished in Egypt in the Greco-Roman times.