The international workshop “Sailors, Traders, Settlers and Potters. Interactions and Exchanges in the Ancient Mediterranean” will be held on April 18th at the Royal Academy of Belgium, Salle Marie-Thérèse (Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Brussels).

All are welcome and attendance is free. Registration by March 30th at:

The workshop can be also attended online, the link will be provided in due time.

Speakers and titles are listed below, and the full program can be found here:


10 – 10.30 am: Welcome and introductory note by I. Lemos (University of Oxford) & A. Tsingarida (Université libre de Bruxelles)

10.30 – 11.10 am: Artemis Georgiou (University of Cyprus), Cypriot connectivity east and west: revisiting the evidence for the post-1200 BC era

11.10 – 11.40 am: Alexander Vacek (Independent Scholar), Sailors, Traders, Settlers and Potters at Al Mina-Ahtaa? Interactions and Exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Early Iron Age

11.40 – 12.10 pm: Teresa Cinquantaquattro (Segretariato Regionale per la Campania, Ministero della Cultura), Pithekoussai and the Kymaios Kolpos: connectivity, mobility and networks in the ancient Mediterranean

12.10 – 1.30 pm: Lunch break

1.30 – 2.10 pm: Matteo D’Acunto (Università Degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”), Cumae in Campania: Sailors, Traders, Settlers, and Potters, from the pre-Hellenic period to the dawn of the colonization

2.10 – 2.40 pm: Lou de Barbarin (Ecole française de Rome), From one island to another? Craft mobility from Crete and elsewhere and the emergence of polychromy in the pottery workshops of Megara Hyblaea [online]

2.40 – 3.00 pm: Coffee break

3.00 – 3.40 pm: Antonis Kotsonas (New York University), Lyktos in Crete: Interaction and Exchange with the Aegean and the Mediterranean from the Early Iron Age to the Classical Period

3.40 – 4.10 pm: Christian Mazet (Université libre de Bruxelles), Vulci and the Pre-Classical Mediterranean: insights into the transcultural openness of a major city of southern Etruria

4.10 – 4.45 pm: Discussion and conclusions


For further information, you may address to Dr Isabella Bossolino: [email protected]