The exceptional gold-plated bronze helmet fragment was uncovered by two metal detectorists near Lejre (Denmark) during the spring of 2024. It consists of two bronze pieces and set with deep red garnets (one is missing) and an animal with distinctive teeth and large eyes. Archaeologist and senior researcher at Uppsala University John Ljungkvist stated: “Where in other helmets we see three separate brackets that are put together, this helmet’s eyebrow arch is constructed in one piece. We haven’t found anything like this new variant of the exclusive helmet before… It is craftsmanship of a very special quality – on par with the craftsmanship behind the famous helmet from the Sutton Hoo ship burial in England.”

“The ornamentation – an animal with distinctive teeth and large eyes – reflects the style we know from the later Germanic Iron Age; the fragment is from the period between AD 650 and 750,” added archaeologist at ROMU Julie Nielsen.

The fragment will be displayed at the Lejre Museum during the second half of February.