The Mycenaean chamber tombs, these important technical achievements, the oldest monumental burial constructions in Europe, are more numerous in Messenia than in any other region in Greece, even more numerous than in Argolis, where Mycenae, the center of the most important and powerful Mycenaean state, are situated. Located in the domain of the Mycenaean kingdom of mythical Nestor, these wondrous burial structures, dating from the mid-sixteenth to the twelfth century BC, urgently demand to be restored, protected and elevated in order to become accessible to whomever is interested in them, scholar or visitor. The Direction of Reconstruction of Ancient Monuments of the Greek Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities responsible for the area, have worked out a project for the restoration and elevation of the chamber tombs of Messenia, which has been submitted to be financed from the Third Community Support Framework.