A distinct decorative style in pottery develops in the last phase of Byzantine art, a style that until recently went unnoticed. The inside iconic representations embellishing objects of everyday use are replaced by aniconic sgraffiti and bright glazes. The aniconic incised style appears in the late Byzantine years, that is in the beginning of the 15th century or a little earlier and remains in use until the mid-16th century. During this phase the decorative motives are continuously simplified. As a result of the Turkish dominance, the sgraffiti technique is abandoned and simpler decorative modes are employed as an adjustment to the new situation. A great number of shards with aniconic decoration have been collected in the Folk-Art Museum in Larissa. The number, variety and quality of these finds from Thessaly when fully researched, promise a significant contribution to the study of late Byzantine art.
Late Byzantine pottery with Sgraffiti decoration
31 Jul 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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