The special emphasis recently given to the educational role museums are supposed to play has naturally brought the interest of experts to children. Children’s familiarization with works of art is considered as necessary as a child’s experience of literature. In Europe, as well as in North America, museums closely cooperate with teachers and work out special activities for children that aim not only to enrich their knowledge and to develop their judgment ability, but also to cultivate their mental, psychical and physical potentialities. In Greece, sporadic but worth mentioning attempts have been made so far, mainly by folklore museums ( The Peloponnesian Folklore Institute, the Museum of Folk Art of Athens, the Folklore Museum of Thessaloniki), by the Benaki Museum and the National Gallery. However, much is expected of archaeological museums, which abound in Greece. Art museums by collaborating with teachers and adopting a proper program can and must play an important role in the Greek educational system.
Museums of art and children
01 Aug 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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