The principle of the sophist Protagoras that “man is the measure of all things”, which summarizes the anthropocentric cosrnotheory of ancient Greek civilization deserves to be the emblem of the Renaissance. On this basis the solidarity and contiguity of the two worlds can be explained as well as the frantic quest for principles and models in the sphere of Antiquity that became an obsession with the Renaissance man.
The reorientation from the theocratic content and philosophy of the Middle-Ages to the new anthropocentric ideal of the Renaissance was realized under the omens of the crucial changes, which took place in the economic and social structure. Man’ s realization of his potential and, consequently, his self-confidence encouraged him to question traditional values, the authenticity of the “ex revelation knowledge”, the superstitions and terrors brought down to hom to him by the medieval period. The entire Humanistic movement, which functioned as the vital spine of Renaissance civilization, was focused on the study of Man; thus, an anthropocentric philosophy was developed, whose main characteristic was the central and prominent position Man held in the world of creation.