Nea Artaki, a seaside village on the Island of Euboea, Greece, has brought to us sufficient evidence of the existence of a sequence of different cultures of Stone-Age Greece. The favourable climate along with the suitable Biotic and Abiotic components of nature forced the then populations to adopt a ceratin kind of technological know-how to acquire mastery over the stone-flints, available in the area. They manufactured a great many types of which hand-axes mainly covered the middle Pleistocene period. The twenty-four hand-axes recovered to date show different types of typotechnological attributes with varying shapes and sizes. But, mostly on a technological and and statistical basis they are classified into three categories; Early lower Paleolithic, Late-Lower Palaeolithic and Early-Middle Palaeoplithic.
The hand-axe industry of Nea Artaki in Euboea
30 Jul 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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