The UCL History Department is now accepting preliminary applications from prospective candidates for the 2017 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship scheme. Candidates who wish to apply for a fellowship based at UCL History should, in the first instance, identify an appropriate member of the Department’s academic staff who is willing to serve as a mentor. A list of staff in the Department is available here: Candidates should submit an academic c.v. and preliminary project description (maximum 2-pages of A4, single-spaced) to Claire Morley no later than 12:00 on 4 January 2018.  Preliminary applications received after that time and date will not be considered.

The Department will review these preliminary applications by 10 January 2018, selecting up to five candidates for nomination to the Faculty’s consideration. These short-listed candidates will need to complete the applicant’s portion of the online Leverhulme application form (available from the link below) for submission to the Department no later than 10:00 a.m. Monday 15 January. Nominated applications from all relevant UCL departments will be ranked by the Faculty, with a portion of these applications selected for institutional support by UCL for application to the Leverhulme Trust.

Preliminary inquiries about the application process for the Leverhulme scheme at UCL History can be directed to Margot Finn. Details of the Leverhulme ECR Fellowships, including eligibility, can be found at: The UCL History Department welcomes postdoctoral fellows in all areas of History (from ancient to modern). A list of current postdoctoral fellows and research associates is available here: