The University of the Aegean, Greece, Department of Mediterranean Studies in collaboration with the Department of Underwater Antiquities, Ministry of Culture & Tourism and Hellenic Center of Marine Research organize this year’s Aegean Maritime Archaeology Summer School on Andros island, 1st-5th July.

The 15-Day Summer School will consist of lectures and readings, guiding visits to sites and museums, fruitful conversations with faculty and fellow students, student reports, encounters with the summer school’s Greek hosts, and travel diaries will provide opportunities for students to acquire information and reflect on their experiences. Non-divers will be snorkeling.

Course description

The following six modules, including Practice, will consist of updated and advanced issues, such as:

-Aegean Islanders (15000-1300 BC): The archaeology of the Aegean Islands: Prehistoric Aegean, Migrations in the Aegean, Aegean Art & Culture, Aegean Economy & Trade, Submerged Prehistoric Coastlines, Insularity and multi-insularity: aspects of habitation and communication, Introduction to Archaeometry

-Maritime Archaeology in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean: Maritime archaeology in Greece, Ships and Trade routes in the Bronze Age: Nautical Technology and prehistoric seafaring in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, Trade Amphorae in the Aegean, Nautical experimental archaeology, Coastal geoarchaeology in the Cyclades: Submerged coastlines and archaeological markers of relative sea-level change, Illegal trafficking, legislationfor the protection of underwater cultural heritage and the Work of the Ephorate of UnderwaterAntiquities

-Shipwreck and harbour archaeology. Recent research in the Aegean: Shipwreck archaeology in the Aegean and deep-water research, Harbour archaeology: new interdisciplinary approaches, Case studies of ancient shipwrecks and submerged cities, Naval harbours and harbour cities

-Methods and techniques in underwater archaeology and marine geoarchaeology: Site formation processes, submerged landscapes and marine geoarchaeological survey techniques, Sonars & Robotics prospection techniques in underwater archaeological research,Coastal and Marine geosites: identification, assessment, mapping, survey techniques, management, protection and promotion, Preventive conservation techniques of hydrated finds, Underwater photography and photomosaics and fieldwork practice

-Geoarchaeology, Palaeogeography & Palaeoclimate in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean: The geotectonic evolution and the geomorphology of the Aegean Sea basin, The Geography and coastal geomorphology of the Aegean Islands, Paleoclimates & Sea level fluctuations – the last 30,000 years, Natural catastrophes (ancient tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes

-Marine Ecosystem: The development of biological thought in the taxonomy of biodiversity: from Aristotle to Darwin,Marine ecosystem in near coastal environments.


-Maritime archaeology (1 day): Snorkeling in submerged archaeological remains (1 Day), in collaboration with the Eforeia of Underwater Antiquities

-Marine geological survey (2 days): Fieldwork Practice of students on methods of marine geological research (on groups on 5 students onboard the research vessel). Practice onboard the research vessel ALKYON (harbored at Rhodes and operated by HCMR’s Hydrobiological Station / Aquarium of Rhodes), state-of-the-art equipped with sea-bottom reconnaissance systems: side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, multi-beam bathymetry, ROV).Dr D. Sakellariou, HCMR.

-Underwater photography and photomosaics (1 day): Fieldwork practice in underwater archaeological photography and photomosaics; followed by a workshop

-Marine ecosystems (1 day): Snorkelling for the observation of marine ecosystems in shallow water, HCMR.

The “University of the Aegean Summer Schools” are supported by the project «The University of the Aegean, the prominent and driving factor for the economic and social growth of the wide Aegean area» of the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning”, which is co-funded by European Union (European Social Fund) and National Resources.

For further information, contact Course Director & Coordinator, Professor Ioannis Liritzis, professor of Archaeometry, University of the Aegean ([email protected]).