The “International Association for Presocratic Studies” (IAPS, founded 2008) announces its fourth conference, to be held from the 30th of June to the 4th of July, 2014. The meeting will be hosted by the “Interdisciplinary Center for Aristotle Studies” at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki-Greece.
We understand the Presocratics to be the figures whose fragments and testimonies are collected in Hermann Diels’ Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (6th edn. 1951, edited by Walther Kranz). These figures include cosmologists, anti-cosmologists, sophists, philosophical poets, Pythagoreans, the fifth-century Sophists, and other intellectuals dedicated to an explanation of the world and human affairs, from Thales down to the time of Socrates (and shortly thereafter, according to Diels’ non-chronological understanding of ‘Presocratic’). We recognize the need for philosophical, philological, textual, doxographical, historical, literary, and religious studies, as well as studies of the reception of Presocratic thought.
Proposals for papers on any Presocratic topic, problem or author are welcome. Submission of abstracts (maximum 300 words) should be addressed to Richard McKirahan ([email protected]).
Deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 December 2013.
All submissions will be reviewed by a Committee appointed by the Council of the IAPS. Accepted proposals will be notified not later than 1 March 2014, and will receive an official invitation to give a paper at the conference.
Full papers should be submitted both in MS Word and PDF format by 30 May 2014.
• Papers may be written and read in English, Spanish, French, German or Italian.
• For presentation it is recommended that a full English version or an English abstract and/or handout be made available to the audience.
• If the paper contains untransliterated Greek, a Unicode font should be used.
Format guidelines
• Maximum length for the printout version is 3,000 words, exclusive of footnotes and bibliography.
• Maximum length for oral presentation is 2,000 words (20-minute reading time).
Further info
For queries about membership and updates to mailing list, contact:
Daniel W. Graham
Department of Philosophy
4086 JFSB
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602
(801) 422-2223 Fax (801) 422-9742