Call for Nomination: Museum Horizon Award 2014
Hans Manneby Memorial Fund
The Hans Manneby Memorial Fund has been created to promote museum development and to commemorate Manneby (1946-2008) former chair of Swedish ICOM, the International Council of Museums. His legacy can be summarized as “An empiricist’s search for the comprehensive view”. The foundation has been approved by Swedish Authorities with the right to collect funds (insamlingsfond in Swedish) and is operating under the control and rules of Swedish Authorities.
Who can be nominated
Anyone who has inspired or been inspired by international and national collaboration can be nominated. He/she must be working in or with the museum sector and can come from or live in any country in the world. A nominee must have worked and wish to work for museum development in the spirit of Hans Manneby: this can be summarized as “An empiricist’s search for the comprehensive view”. See more information check the website information below.
Criteria for the prize winner
The purpose of the Prize is to celebrate efforts in innovative organizational and structural areas, forms of collaboration, methods of communication and non-conventional thinking.
A prize winner should: seek to root museums in contemporary society by operating in close contacts with the world around and have a keen awareness of people’s needs inspire, gather and disseminate experiences from international and national collaboration maintain a broad perspective on learning and develop the museums’ interdisciplinary methodology show flexibility and quality in developing museum operations contribute to the development of staff and activities with a sense of commitment and enthusiasm, demonstrate richness of ideas and a non-conventional approach.
How to nominate
Elaborate on how the experience of your nominee relates to one or more of the Fund’s criteria for the award indicate with specifics how you see your nominee fulfils the criteria above provide the name and email address, plus relevant websites of your nominee and send your nomination no later than 30th April 2014, email to [email protected] or post to the Secretary of Hans Manneby Memorial Fund for Museum Development, see address below:
Email: [email protected]
Address: Hans Manneby Memorial Fund, c/o Elisabet Olofsson, Duvnäsgatan 1, 5th floor, SE-116 34 Stockholm, Sweden, Phone: + 46 70 49 52 913
Presentation of the Award
The award for 2014 will be presented on November 10, and the successful award recipient will be notified no later than August 1, 2014.
Previous Award Winners
2009, Paul Msemwa from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
2010, Teresa Morales, Unión de los Museos Communitarios, Oxaca, Mexico
2011, Elisabeth Cordova-LaO, Museo Sang Bata Sa Negros, the Philippines
2012, Stephen Inglis, Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute, Oujé-Bougoumou, Canada
2013, Suad Amiry, Riwaq, Center for Architectural Conservation, Ramallah, Palestine
The Hans Manneby Foundation Board
President, Mr. Bertil Falck, the Founder of Bok & Bibliotek, Gothenburg, Sweden
Secretary, Ms. Elsabet Olofsson, Samp, Stockholm, Sweden
Member, Ms. Inkyung Chang, South Korea, representing Samp, Rep. of Korea
Ms. Elina Nygárd Hansson, representing ICOM-Sweden
Ms. Anita Larsson-Modin, Sweden