The Joint M.A. Program in Classics in Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University and Haifa University sponsored by the Yad Hanadiv Foundation invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Classics 2015-2016.

Scholars who have received their Ph.D. in Classics or Ancient History within the past five years are invited to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in Classics for the academic year 2015-2016. All fields and specialties within the wide range of Classics and Ancient History (from Archaic Greece through Late Antiquity) are acceptable. This fellowship is offered within the framework of a new M.A. Program in Classics offered cooperatively by Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University and Haifa University. The postdoctoral fellow will be formally based in one of the participating universities but will be part of the general program coordinated among the four campuses. The successful candidate will be expected to:

-pursue his/her research, using the rich array of scholarly resources in the four universities and other relevant institutions in Israel;

-teach one undergraduate class (in Hebrew) on any topic of his/her choosing, in consultation with the relevant departments.

-offer ideas and advice on improving the joint M.A. program; experience in developing internet resources for teaching and research is especially welcome.

The postdoctoral fellow will receive a salary of about NIS 90,000 over twelve months.

Interested candidates should send, by 10 May 2015, a CV, list of publications, research proposal, writing sample (published article or chapter from dissertation), title and brief description of proposed course, and the names and contact information of three referees to: Nava Cohen, Secretary of the Joint M.A. Program in Classics; Department of Classics, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel; e-mail: