This conference will be held on the 28th, 29th and 30th of June 2017, at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Wales, UK. Conference Organiser: Geoff Lee.
The confirmed keynote speaker is Dr Phil De Souza (University College Dublin).
The conference is aimed equally at postgraduate students, early career researchers and established academics. The intent is to facilitate a multi-disciplinary conference and therefore researchers from any relevant discipline are encouraged to participate. Papers, containing original research on any aspect of Ancient Warfare, are sought. These will be of thirty minutes duration with ten minutes for comments/questions.
Ancient Warfare in this context is from the Prehistoric era until the ‘Fall of Constantinople’. However, papers that show a continuation from these periods to other periods, including those relating to future warfare, will be considered. Submissions relating to all cultures and regions of the globe will be considered.
The deadline for submission of abstracts, which should be of c. 300 words, is January 31st 2017. All contributors will be required to pay a fee which is £25.00 for current students or the unwaged and £35.00 for other participants.
If you are an experienced academic, willing to act as a chair or able to offer help with choice of abstracts, and other aspects of organising the conference, please contact [email protected].
The conference BLOG, which is currently being developed, will be available at:
To submit an abstract or for more information please contact Geoff Lee [email protected]