Archaeologists discovered a Ramesside T-shaped tomb belonging to a person called “Khonsu” who held the title of “Royal Scribe”.
The Japanese mission of Waseda University, directed by Dr. Jiro Kondo, found the tomb in El Khokha area on the West Bank of the Nile in Luxor, to the east of the front court of TT47 (Tomb of Userhat).
“During the cleaning of the eastern part of the front yard of the tomb of Userhat, a big carved hole in the northern wall was found. After crawling through the hole, it was found that it leads to the southern wall of the hall of the newly discovered tomb of Khonso”, Dr. Jiro Kindo said.
Among the many scenes depicted on the wall paintings of the tomb there is one of the barge of the sun god attended by 4 baboons on the north wall to the entrance.
The tomb consists of an entrance which leads to a hall and then to a burial chamber.
On the northern part of the eastern wall, there are two registers; the upper one shows several scenes related to Isis and Osiris. The lower register shows the tomb owner followed by other human figures.
More scenes are expected to be revealed in the inner room which is currently covered by large stone blocks.