Internship Dates: June 1-July 27, 2018
Application Deadline: February 14, 2018
Recommendation Deadline: February 19, 2018
The Center for Hellenic Studies seeks interns to work for eight weeks in Washington, DC on the Free First Thousand Years of Greek project, a self-standing subset of the Open Greek and Latin Project.
Interns will work primarily with XML files, editing them to meet the project’s standards, and uploading the corrections to a GitHub repository. Additional tasks will include correcting OCRed texts, as well as contributing to other digital humanities projects as they arise. No prior technical skills are needed. Instruction will be provided on site.
Undergraduate students majoring in any field may apply. One semester of ancient Greek is required; intermediate knowledge of ancient Greek is strongly preferred. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required. No prior professional experience is necessary for this internship; interns will be trained in all necessary technologies. Applicants must demonstrate the internship’s relevance to their studies and future career plans.
To apply and to learn more about the application process visit the dedicated webpage!