The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology Research Centre in Cairo (PCMA-RC) and Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) are organising the second annual meeting of archaeobotanists working in Egypt, scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 26 and Thursday, 27 September 2018.

Archaeobotanists and specialists in related disciplines working in Egypt are invited to present their ongoing research on the first day of the meeting, to be held at PCMA-RC (Heliopolis). A closed laboratory session will be held on the second day at IFAO (Mounira).

Laboratory Session
For the first time, the meeting will include a laboratory session, to be hosted at IFAO’s laboratory. Spaces will be limited for this session. You can indicate interest in participating in this session, or in selecting samples from your own projects, by emailing [email protected].

Please send abstracts to [email protected]

Deadline for submitting abstracts is July 7th, 2018.

Participants will be informed of acceptance by July 15th, 2018.