Archaeologists in Turkey have discovered a set of 1,500-year-old farming tools in Alexandria Troas, an ancient city in northwestern Turkey.
The tools are dated to the Iron and Bronze Age and were found by Dr Erhan Oztepe from the Archaeology Department of Ankara University and head of the Excavations in Alexandria Troas. The Alexandria Troas is near Dalyan village of Ezine district and the tools were used for farming and agricultural purposes. Among the tools there were sickles, soil scrapers, weed cutters, soil tampers, ploughs, long nails and hand tools such as saws, grinders, drills and spatula scrapers.
The area was very significant, as was pointed out by Kemal Dokuz, head of Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism. It has been under investigation by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism with excavations having been carried out for at least 5 years now.
The announcement was made through a statement from the Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism in Canakkale.