The Ministry of Culture and Sports will go ahead with a new, international, competition for the appointment of Director of the National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST), following the unanimous decision by the Assessment Committee that none of the proposed candidates fulfilled the selection criteria.

As stated in a relevant announcement by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, at the last meeting, the Committee in quorum rejected twelve applications for the position that either did not meet the specific qualifications or had not provided the required documents, and three applications that were submitted after the deadline. A collective candidacy was also rejected, as the appointment notice concerns the organic position of Director for a one-person governing body.

“The Committee made necessary provision for the call for appointment of Director of the EMST, to avoid any arbitrary interference in the process of the candidacies’ submission and assessment”, says the announcement.

Minister of Culture and Sports Myrsini Zorba thanked all the Committee (Chairman Demosthenes Kokkinidis and members Nikolaos Hatzinikolaou, Dimitris Issaias, Yorgos Koumentakis and Orestis Andreadakis) for being responsible, selfless, methodical and objective in their work.

“The State has demonstrated its interest in having the EMST operate as soon as possible and to be governed by a system of meritocracy, as in the case of museums all over the world today. It is the first time that an appointment notice is used for the position of Director in a cultural organization, which is a step towards our country’s becoming more up to date. The setbacks and difficulties in this process confirms that the culture of appointment notice requires some time to be assimilated both by the scientific and artistic community and by all stakeholders”, ends the announcement.