On Wednesday an army doctor was sent to the cloakroom at the main entrance of the Acropolis, following a request made by Lina Mendoni to the minister of National Defence.

Retired major general Dr Antonios Avgerinos, president of the Hellenic Red Cross was given a guided tour of the archaeological site of the Athens Acropolis by director of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Athens Eleni Banou. As announced by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, the purpose of Mr. Avgerinos’ visit was to locate spots where Red Cross nurses can be placed. Mr Avgerinos immediately responded to the request by Culture Minister Lina Mendoni for a team of nurses to be sent to assist an army doctor in taking care of patients in situ. It was decided for one nurse to be at the Information Center, on the pedestrian street of D. Areopagitou, where the entrance to the Theatre of Dionysus and the Southern Slope are located, while the second will be installed in a hall of the old Acropolis museum. Medical equipment is also being offered by the Hellenic Red Cross.

Mr. Avgerinos mentioned that specially equipped cyclists of the Hellenic Red Cross, already patrolling the pedestrian zone on weekends, will also make the rounds on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This was requested by Mrs Banou, because on these days the Acropolis has a great many visitors. Cyclists distribute bottled water to the public and give first aid if some incident such as fainting should occur.

It is reminded that on Wednesday an army doctor was sent to the cloakroom at the main entrance of the Acropolis, following a request made by Lina Mendoni to Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos and Deputy Minister and honorary Head of the armed forces, retired General Alcibiades Stefanis. The heads of the Ministry of National Defense immediately responded by sending a doctor from the 251 Air Force Hospital and a nurse from the 401 Military Hospital, both doing their military service. The army personnel will alternate, but the presence of a doctor and a nurse at that particular spot will be permanent.