Circulating Artefacts (CircArt) project announces three job positions, for one project coordinator and two project curators.
The project
The Circulating Artefacts (CircArt) project is a groundbreaking initiative against the widespread global trade in illicit antiquities. Launched in March 2018, CircArt’s online platform currently focuses on antiquities from Egypt
and Sudan.
It’s designed as a tool for all, irrespective of background or profession, who
want to help counteract the looting and trafficking of cultural artefacts. CircArt is funded by the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund, in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport.
The cultural heritage of Egypt and Nubia share 6000 years of ancient history and culture. Dating from Predynastic to Late Antique times (c. 6000 BC-AD 1000), the legacy of ancient Egypt and Sudan is renowned for its outstanding preservation and it is vital for our understanding of early civilization.
Recent conflicts in the area have resulted in growing levels of looting in Egypt and Sudan, causing increasing damage to archaeological sites and museums, and resulting in cultural objects illegally entering the international art market. Houses are often built on antiquities land and illicit digging occurs, with exposed monuments vandalized and looted.
Job positions
Three new jobs working with the project are now being recruited (deadline
28 May 2020):
For the position of Project Coordinator click here
For the position of Project Curator 1 click here
For the position of Project Curator 2 click here
Browse the new platform of the British Museum here.