One Post-Doctoral position is offered in the ERC-project FRRAnt: The Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians, at the University College London, History Department (PI: Valentina Arena).
Job description: The successful candidate will work with the PI and the other team members to develop the critical edition of the Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians. S/he will contribute to the identification, edition, translation (in English), and commentary of the complete evidence for antiquarian works of the Republican period, which has not survived in an independent manuscript tradition. S/he may also contribute to the introductory essay for some authors. In addition, the post-holder is expected to write at least one essay in the edited volumes resulting from the two project conferences.
Application procedure: Applications for the position should be made online at and click on the ‘Current employment opportunities at UCL’ link. You are required to upload the following (i-iii) documents as two attachments.
Attachment 1 – i). a letter of application specifying how you meet the criteria set out above (maximum length 2 pages); Attachment 2 – ii). a summary of your research to date and its intellectual significance (no more than two pages); iii). a statement of your research interests in relation to the post (no more than two pages)
Shortlisting for this post will consist of two stages: a long list of candidates will be asked to complete an assessment to establish proficiencies in some of the stated ‘essential’ criteria. A short list of candidates will be invited to attend for (remote) interview.
Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Arena c/o [email protected]
Interviews will be held remotely.
Closing date: 1 October 2020
Any questions relating to either the post or the applications process should be addressed to Claire Morley, email: [email protected]