Even in these strange times, the University of Liverpool’s Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology (ACE) department brings you its Semester 1 schedule for its international Work in Progress Seminar series.

With a focus on PGRs and ECRs the Work in Progress seminar series is a great place to see the talent that the department’s subject areas have to offer and what is to come in the coming years.

As expected this year will be ran slightly differently, with all the Seminars being held over Zoom. While this means we will not be able to show off our wonderful hospitality in person it does mean that we can open the seminars to anyone who wishes to attend no matter their location.

Below is the schedule of the exciting talks and seminars the department has on offer in Semester 1, all of which are held unless stated on Thursdays at 1pm GMT (1pm BST for the first Seminar):

22nd October 2020 – Goran Đurđević (Capital Normal University) – Imperial Reflection: Public Reflection in the Roman and Mauryan Empire

29th October 2020 – Giulia Roncato (Trinity College Dublin) – Briseis, a Passive Mobile Entity: Body and Movement as Symbols of ‘Otherness’ in the Iliad

5th November 2020 – Ioannis Mitsios (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) – Protective talismans and Archaic Relics: the Trojan palladion on the North Metopes of the Parthenon

12th November 2020 – Cholé Agar (University of Oxford) – Analysing Visions Experienced by Saints and Supplicants in Coptic Sources: What, How, and Why?

19th November 2020 – Matilde Oliva (University of Pisa and Florence) –  Dialectic and oratory as ministrae comitesque sapientiae: virtue’s embodiment in Cicero’s Partitiones oratoriae

26th November 2020 – Francesca Tomei (University of Liverpool) – Pottery kilns in their natural and human landscape: the case study of the chora of Metaponto.

3rd December 2020 – Christos Giamakis (University of Sheffield) ­- Contested histories, materialised politics: The archaeology of ancient Macedonia

10th December 2020 – Thomas Alexander Husøy (Swansea University) – Regionalism, local identities and Asopids in Central Greece.

17th December 2020 – Josefin Percival (Uppsala University) – The Great Disappearing Act: The Development of Adjectives in Ancient Egyptian

7th January 2021 – Carlo Delle Donne (Sapienza – Università di Roma) – Fighting against Obscurity: Calcidius and Plato’s Timaeus

14th January 2021 – Beatriz Noria Serrano (University of Alcalá) – Honor thy Mother: Motherhood during the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period

An email will be send out at the beginning of each seminar week, with an abstract of the talk for more information.

As this is held over Zoom we will also request that if you wish to attend any of these seminars please email either myself, Daniel Lowes @ [email protected] or Rachael Cornwell @ [email protected]