The Department of Classics at the University of Florida invites applications for its MA and Ph.D. programs. The faculty areas of expertise in Augustan Rome, Athenian Law, Greek Oratory, Greek and Roman History, Greek Medicine, Hellenistic and Augustan Poetry, Imperial Greek and Latin Literature, Classical Art, Archaeology, and Epigraphy, and Digital Humanities help students create a diverse research agenda and thrive professionally. The Department of Classics also consists of the Center for Greek Studies.

The University of Florida features several other entities, such as the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere, that offer additional research and funding opportunities.

The UF Graduate School also offers additional professional development opportunities and academic guidance.

All accepted graduate students receive Teaching Assistantships that include a full tuition waiver for the duration of their studies, a stipend, and health insurance coverage. Through this program, our students develop their teaching portfolio, as they teach Beginning Latin courses and assist in a number of other civilization and interdisciplinary offerings. For more details about the programs, visit

You can get to know us better here:

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For any inquiries, feel free to contact Professor Eleni Bozia ([email protected]).

The deadline for applications is January 11, 2021. The GRE requirement is waived for Fall 2021 admissions due to the health emergency.