A position as a digital specialist is offered in the Department of Ancient
Cultures of Egypt and the Middle East, Institute of Mediterranean and
Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences, starting from May 31, 2021
(for 2 years maximum). The post holder will work within the ‘BORDERSCAPE Project: Egyptian state formation and the changing socio-spatial landscape of the First Nile Cataract region in the 4th-3rd millennia BCE’ under the supervision of the P.I. Dr Maria Carmela Gatto. The project is funded by the Norway Grants-Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 Basic Research Programme through the Polish National Science Centre-POLS Call (2020/37/K/HS3/04097).

The post holder will oversee all the digital aspects of the research and
its outputs. Specific skills are required in: relational databases; GIS
open-source platforms; WebGIS applications; use of historical maps, aerial
photography, satellite images, and digital elevation models; remote
sensing; and spatial analysis.


– higher education in Egyptology, Archaeology, or related fields;

– master’s degree or doctoral degree since no more than 7 years;

– well-documented expertise in digital humanities;

– documented publication achievements;

– fluent knowledge of English and at least basic knowledge of a second
modern language;

– the ability to work alone, in close collaboration with the P.I., and
as part of a larger international team;

– field experience in Egypt or in another MENA country;

– organizational talent.

Applicants should submit by 03/05/2021 (23:00 – Europe/Brussels) to the
Secretary of the Institute via email: [email protected] (e-mail
acceptable in form of secured *.pdf documents) the following:

1) application to the Director of IMOC PAN for employment,

2) cover letter (in English) showing experience, qualifications, and
interest in the project (max. 2 pages),

3) curriculum vitae with a list of publications (including the publisher
and the number of pages),

4) personal questionnaire,

5) a copy of the master/doctoral diploma (or a certificate of completion
of the doctoral dissertation). In the case of foreign candidates from
countries whose diplomas are not recognized on the basis of international
agreements or the Prague Convention, a certificate of recognition of the
diploma or its notification by competent authorities,

6) a portfolio with a short description of digital projects, including
screenshots/layouts, and the mention of the used software,

7) a declaration that IMOC PAS will be the primary place of work in the
event of winning the competition,

8) a declaration on the field of science and scientific discipline

9) a declaration authorizing IMOC PAS, in the event of winning the
competition, to be included in the number of employees conducting
scientific activity at the Institute (the so-called N numbers) – [this
declaration may only be submitted in one research unit],

10) declaration of consent, in the event of winning the competition, to be
included in the number N, in at least one of the disciplines represented in

11) two letters of reference from members of the scientific community
familiar with the research conducted by you.

After a first ranking, the most relevant applications will be selected for
an interview via Skype. Interviews will take place Wednesday, May 5, 2021,
at 11 am, Warsaw time.

The regulations of the competition for scientific positions at IMOC PAS are
available via e-mail: [email protected] from where you can also get
other employment information and all the required forms (nos. 1, 4 and 7 to
10 in the above list).

For further information visit <https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/619068>
or <http://iksiopan.pl/index.php/pl/>